Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Are you feeling the cleansing power of God's Word in your life?  I sure have. Reading Job was a great time for me to be instructed how not to counsel others who are hurting. 
  It peruses the age old question of man.  Why do the righteous suffer?  Then there is the flip side.  Why do the wicked prosper?  Only God knows each mans personal struggle and He is not working in a punishing mode but is refining as gold....(Job 23:10 "But He knows the way I take; when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.)  Trials come so that we will see the glory of God, who He is.   (Job 42:5  "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You.")  Job had known of God, holy in all He does and now he personally knows God. The result of this experience?  verse 6 "Therefore I retract, and I repent in dust and ashes."
Job's confession and repentance finally took place.  He still did not know why but the complaining and questions ceased.  He was now ready to rest in who God is accepting His will without question.
There are lessons here for all of us as we journey through this new year.  I won't tell you what your lesson is.  That's up to God.  My lesson is to serve and trust Him not for what I can get but because He is God.  There are sure to be refresher courses along the way....

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How To Use SOAP


Is a Bible Journaling process that can be used on any passage of the Bible.   All you need is your Bible, a blank journal or paper and pen.  (I love to use my  "BIC" four color pen.)

S......Scripture to be read____________________

O.....Observations of what you see in the verses you are reading.                               

Use words from the passage to note what stands out.  Is there a truth?  State it.  Is there a principle?  Does someone act with integrity and good character or are they a bad example?  Note it.  If you had to explain this passage to someone, what would you tell them?

A.....Application of this passage to your life.

God's Word is personal and speaks to our lives.  What do the verses read mean to you?  How can you apply what you have just read to your life?  What changes do you need to make?  Write them down.  Is there an action to take?  Clarify how you can make sure it happens.

P......Pray to God and ask Him to help you understand, live and apply what you have learned to your life.

It is a good idea to write down specific prayers not just general comments so you can see how God answers.  Confess if He has revealed an area of sin or neglect in your life.  Take time to listen to Him and respond back.

January 1, 2014.  What a great place to start the year............"In the beginning God..........

God: created..., was hovering..., said, "Let there be light"....,separated....,gathered...,saw....,called good...... 

Thank You Lord for your Word. It gives me a beginning.... Who am I, Why am I here, Where I came from and for What purpose. 
